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Family Resources
Growsmart was designed to provide parents with a one-stop resource for information relating to school, parenting, child development, health, activities and more in Virginia Beach. It was created by a team of individuals representing city agencies and community partners. This comprehensive site features news and information parents can use.
The 101’s provide 101 things to do when disciplining a child to provide a healthy, nurturing environment, focusing on the positive rather than the negative.
MORE INFO: The 101 Positive Principles of Discipline Website
The National Association for the Education of Young Children(NAEYC) is dedicated to improving the well-being of all young children, with particular focus on the quality of educational and developmental services for all children from birth through age 8. NAEYC is committed to becoming an increasingly high performing and inclusive organization. We are deeply honored that the National Association for the Education of Young Children is bringing “Families Today” to its website. This website is about families and for families.
Each year we celebrate the Week of the Young Child (WOYC) with NAEYC. We have a whole school Spirit Week and Daily curriculum activities for Music Monday, Tasty Tuesday, Work Together Wednesday, Artsy Thursday and Family Friday.
Children ages 3 and older may be eligible for free diagnostic assessment through the Parent Support and Information Center of Virginia Beach Public Schools. This is a community service that is available to support your child’s development. They can be contacted at (757) 263-2066.
MORE INFO: Virginia Beach Preschool Assessment Center Website
Virginia Beach’s Infant and Toddler Connection is for children age 3 and under and is a community service that is available to help support your young child’s development. You can contact them at (757) 385-4400.
MORE INFO: Early Intervention Program | Infant and Toddler Connection Website
Early screening for children’s development is important to get you access to resources and support that may be needed. A reliable tool for developmental screening that has been endorsed by the American Academy of Pediatrics is the ASQ, or Ages and Stages Questionnaire. These questionnaires are available at multiple stages from birth to age 5. The questionnaire asks questions in the areas of communication, gross motor, problem-solving, and personal-social development. The use of the ASQ can help parents, doctors, caregivers, and teachers of young children track children’s development and identify any potential concerns.
MORE INFO: Ages & Stages Questionnaire: Social-Emotional Website
CHKD offers pediatric primary care and specialty services throughout the Hampton Roads region. In addition to our main hospital, CHKD has six Health Centers and Satellite locations with specialists, diagnostic and laboratory services, and rehabilitative services.
MORE INFO: Children's Hospital of the King's Daughters Website
Recognizing that literacy is the cornerstone of a child’s intellectual, personal and cultural growth, for nearly 90 years Scholastic has created quality products and services that educate, entertain and motivate children and are designed to help enlarge their understanding of the world around them.
MORE INFO: Scholastic Website
Macaroni Kid Virginia Beach is a publication reaching thousands of families in the Hampton Roads area – with that number growing every day. We are proud to offer parents a free, one stop shop filled with all the events and activities that our beautiful area has to offer